Our team of professionals holds extensive expertise to cope efficiently and effectively with any challenge and to develop innovative solutions in the benefit of our customers and the society.
Regional Development & Spatial Planning Funded Projects for Public Authorities (European & National Funding Programmes)
Idea creation, consortium setup, proposal preparation/ submission and project implementation for regional development and spatial planning projects on a national and European scale, focusing on remote area development and rural development, environmental protection, promotion of alternative energy sources, improving entrepreneurship, promoting investments, supporting tourism & tourism investments, vocational training, civil protection, enhancing quality of products and services, promoting culture and cultural development, enhancing transportation and combined trade, supporting social integration, crisis management. Indicative Relevant Funding Programmes: NSRF Programmes, LEADER, Interreg, MED, Cross-Border Programmes, Adriatic Programmes, Balkan Programmes, Black Sea Programmes, EEA Grants
Consulting Services to Small and Medium Enterprises for Funding Investments, Research/Development & Innovative Ideas
Idea processing, investment analysis (vision, scope, strategy, goals, steps, problems, swot & pest analysis), market analysis and trends, financial planning, submission of proposal, scores calculation, monitoring results, project implementation (financial implementation, reporting). Business fields: manufacture, services - new technologies, trade, agriculture, Indicative Funding Programmes: NSRF SME & Freelancers Funding Programmes (National & Regional), National Workforce Organization Funding Programmes, National Investments Law (big investments), LEADER, Integrated Rural Development Programmes, European Investments Funding Programmes
Design and Management of Research & Development Projects for Research Centers, Institutes & Universities
Support to proposal preparation, partnership set up, proposal submission, guiding on research strategy, financial implementation, reporting, evaluations, supporting authorities on identifying innovative solutions, preparing and coordinating authorities for introducing and transferring innovation, networking, Indicative Funding Programmes: EEA Grants, EU Horizon Programme (older Framework Programmes for Research & Development), EU Programmes, National Programmes of the General Secretariat for Research.
Operational Planning, Studies & Expert Studies, Researches, Surveys, Evaluations, Methodologies, Networking
Operational planning for Managing Authorities (Operational Programmes), Regional Authorities (Regional Operational Programmes, 5-Year Operational Programmes), Municipalities (5-Year Operational Programmes), expert studies on local and regional development, quality promotion, supporting entrepreneurship and business networking, protection of the environment and exploitation of alternative energy sources, promoting tourism, promoting culture, researches and surveys, “ex-ante”, “intermediate” and “ex-post” evaluations in the framework of development projects (desk research and field research methodologies).
Promotion, Dissemination and Awareness Raising Services for Public Authorities and Private Organizations
Organizing venues (conferences, seminars, workshops, meetings, roadshows, public consultation shows, small exhibitions), development of online presentation tools (portals, websites, blogs), development of social media pages and preparation of relevant campaigns (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram), preparation of press releases and articles, organizing campaigns on press (newspapers, magazines), radio and television, development of promotion, dissemination and awareness-raising material (brochures, booklets, flyers, guides, maps, banners), organizing photo & video shootings (indoors - outdoors), setting up communication stratregies, development of electronic material (CDs, DVDs), development of company and project identity (logo, letters, envelopes, banners, advertising material).